Gift Deed Drafting

Draft Gift Deed With The Help Of Expert Lawyers

A gift deed is a legal instrument that records and details transfer of movable or immovable property from the donor (giver) to the donee (receiver) with no exchange of cash. The “gift” must be a well-defined movable or immovable property and be transferable.

What’s Included

  1. a) Introduction call. A 15-minute call to understand your advocate and mention how you’ll work together
  2. b) Checklist of list of documents required are going to be shared.
  3. c) Verification of your documents.
  4. d) Drafting of the Gift Deed and Handling the specified paperwork.

What’s Not Included

  1. a) Registration of Gift Deed.

You May Also Want to understand

  1. a) What’s a present Deed?

A Gift Deed may be a legal instrument elucidating the voluntary transfer of the property to somebody else with none monetary exchange. The handover are often made either to an individual or an institution; however, it should be accepted by the recipient during the lifetime of the donor and will even be registered.

  1. b) What all details are included in Gift Deed?

A Gift Deed includes following details:

  1. a) Date and place where the deed is documented.
  2. b) Donor’s details (Name, Date of Birth, Father’s Name and Address).
  3. c) Details of the Donee (Name, Father’s name, Date of Birth and Relationship with the Donor).
  4. d) Relationship of Donor and Donee.
  5. e) Elucidation of the property gifted.
  6. f) Signatures of both- Donor and Donee.
  7. g) Details of two witnesses present at the time of property transfer.
  8. h) Signature of the witnesses.
  9. c) what’s the procedure for cancellation of a present Deed?

A Gift Deed are often revoked if it complies with following conditions:

  1. a) there’s mutual consensus between the Donor and therefore the Donee that the deed should be revoked.
  2. b) The property transfer event was just supported the desire of the Donor and therefore the Donee was unwilling to simply accept the asset.
  3. c) The condition isn’t illicit, repugnant and immoral to the estate created under the Gift.