Title opinion and Search Report

Title Opinion Report

People invest their entire lifetime savings in buying property hence it’s important to urge property documents verified and checked before purchasing the property and secure themselves from risk of fraud, defective title and fraudulent documents. Our team of experienced lawyers provides first rate professional legal services and guidance for your Property Verification Process and help in getting genuine Title Opinion Report.

Services Included

Introduction call. A 30-minute call to understand your lawyer and mention how you’ll work together

Verification of previous ownership documents for checking the title and rights of the vendor

Verification of Sale Deed for checking the title and rights of the vendor

Verification of Agreement to Sell for checking the title and rights of the vendor

Verification of Conveyance deed and can for checking the title and rights of the vendor

Verification of Perpetual lease deed for checking the title and rights of the vendor

Formal written opinion from the lawyer. Post delivery call. A 30 minute call to answer any questions you’ll have regarding the document received from the lawyer.


Generating Title Search Report of the last 13 years

Final list of deliverables may vary counting on available documents and property type.


The Lawyers are going to be reviewing the set of documents provided by the customer / user to supply opinion on ownership and completeness of chain of documents. Document forgery check or authenticity check of given documents isn’t a part of delivery under the scope of this service.

Providing all the concerned property related documents including the chain of documents is solely the responsibility of the customer / user. The Service Provider won’t be held in charge of a negative report if any document is missing from the chain of documents. Furnishing a missing document after the Title Opinion Report is generated and provided to the customer / user won’t be entertained and no new / edited Title Opinion Report are going to be generated in such cases.