Sales Tax
Filing Sales tax
Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration or Taxpayer number (TIN) Registration may be a tax registration required for business trading or manufacturing goods in India. Any business entity engaged within the sale of products in India with a turnover of over Rs. 5 Lacs is mandatory to register Sales tax. VAT is collected and represented by the government, so every government in India has distinct guidelines applicable for his or her state-supported sort of products manufactured or sold. After registration of VAT, the producer or dealer is allotted a unique 11 digit number which can function as the TIN Number for the business.
If you’re a registered dealer, you want to file VAT returns. Payment of tax has got to be done before the filing of returns. E-filing of VAT returns is permitted in various states across India.
“Welegal” can assist you file Sales tax return online.
When multiple entities combine or unite together to form one separate entity, it’s called amalgamation. Amalgamation is a measure for 2 competing companies to avoid completion among themselves and offer more to the market. this is often finished the mutual advantage of the businesses in question.